
Chapter One :Chapter 1

I'm a minor male employee in a company. To make some extra money, I took up a part-time job as a designated driver. One night, after finishing a trip, it was already 1 a.m. I was about to finish work and go to sleep when I received a phone call from a customer.

I asked about the location, which required only about ten minutes back and forth. So I accepted thinking it was a good deal.

The location was an upscale entertainment city in our town, integrated with dining and karaoke. Even late at night, it was bustling.

Having waited at the entrance for a while, I saw two middle-aged men looking like bosses, supporting a drunk woman. They were occasionally stealing touches of her.

At places like this, such things are normal, so I didn't mind at first. They drew closer when I noticed, much to my shock, that the woman was our company's female boss, Ms. Fang Fang.

Fang Fang is not yet thirty, with a hot body and good looks. But usually, she is cold, especially serious towards the company's staff. She hardly ever smiles, penalizing and even publicly criticizing for even minor mistakes.

I was then intending to step back. Unexpectedly, Fang Fang suddenly shouted at me, "You, the guy dressed as a designated driver, come over. Hurry up."

Feeling confused, I thought she recognized me, so with some trepidation, I walked over to her. I was about to greet her, but she immediately took my arm and said to the two male bosses, "Sorry, there's no need for you to drive me home today. We will talk another time. Goodbye."

After saying this, she pushed me to walk away. Those two male bosses stared at Fang Fang's sexy body for a while and seemed unwilling to back off. They tried to say something else, but Fang Fang quickly stuffed her car keys into my hand, whispering in my ear, "Hurry up and take me away, or you'll regret it."

I nodded quickly, supporting her towards her car. Those two 'bosses' glanced at each other and walked away.

Fang Fang heaved a sigh of relief and grumbled something about “stinky men thinking they can take advantage of me”. She then leaned against me.

She was quite buxom, her scent mixed with the smell of alcohol. I got flustered at that moment.

You see, I usually avoid her at work, even feeling a little scared of her. I couldn't believe that she was about to fall asleep while clutching my neck.

Feeling my heart pounding, I didn't know whether I should take her home. Just as I was troubled, the customer who had asked me to drive called, asking if I've arrived. Just as I was about to reply, to my surprise, Fang Fang swooped the phone out of my hand and said domineeringly, "I've booked this designated driver, you find another one."

After saying that, she threw the phone back at me and told me to drive quickly. Just as I was feeling helpless, that customer called again, "What do you mean by this? Believe it or not, I'm going to complain about you."

At that moment, I was torn between my customer and my female boss. After weighing the pros and cons, I had to apologize and help Fang Fang into the car. I didn't want to lose my day job over this.

I drove Fang Fang's luxury car, my palms sweating profusely. I awkwardly asked her where she lived, but she had already fallen asleep, drowsily leaning against the passenger seat.

I intended to wake her up but didn't have the courage to do so, instead, I had to park by the roadside and wait, feeling very uneasy. I didn't know if she would reprimand me for not focusing on my work and instead having this part-time night job. I remember clearly, a company employee was once doing some part-time job distributing flyers by the roadside. Fang Fang stumbled upon him, and without any forethought, she dismissed him.

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt. All I could do was wait and occasionally steal a glance at her for any reactions.

At the moment, she was asleep with her eyes closed, her cheeks blushing. She was wearing a white blouse and a tight mini skirt. For someone like me who didn't have a girlfriend, the visual impact was huge. I cannot deny, I had fantasized about Fang Fang, I even dreamed about experiencing certain intimate moments with her. Not just me, some of the male company employees harbored such fantasies and would occasionally joke around about how spending a night with Fang Fang would be worth dying for.

However, that was strictly confined to my fantasies. With her next to me at that time, I merely felt extremely nervous.

Approximately half an hour had passed, I was secretly stealing glances at her when she suddenly stirred and slowly leaned towards me, resting her head on my arm. I was shocked, yet I dare not move.

Seeing the change in her complexion, I feared that she was going to rebuke me. But to my surprise, she just rubbed her eyes, looked at the time, told me her address, and asked me to drive there.

She remained silent throughout the journey, and I did not dare to make any noise. I simply drove in silence.

We eventually arrived at a villa, she uttered "we're here," and handed me the keys to open the door for her.

She appeared to sober up a bit, although she still staggered while walking.

Once we entered the house, I turned on the lights. Suddenly, she covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom. It appeared as if she was throwing up, followed by the sound of running water.

I waited for a while, and she did not come out. I yelled that I was leaving, but she told me from inside to wait, to sit for a while as she had something to tell me.

At that point, I became a bit nervous, wondering if she would cause me trouble in a bit.

She came out after about ten minutes, surprisingly wearing only her pajama, her hair wet, and her fair shoulders and slender legs were particularly eye-catching, hot and sexy, which left me somewhat dumbfounded.

She glanced at me, and I quickly bowed my head. She turned her back to me and began to blow-dry her hair. The scent of her permeated throughout the room.

While drying her hair, she asked, "How long have you been doing this? Working as a designated driver so late at night, don't you need to work during the day?"

I panicked inwardly, thinking to myself that she was going to scold me.

"I've gotten used to it and I still work just fine during the day. I'm not slacking off," I said, then braced for her to lose her temper. But to my surprise, she turned towards me and smiled, saying, "You're so young and already so hardworking. How long have you been working?"

I hurriedly said, "I'm in my early twenties, just started working for a few months." Having said that, I began to worry whether this would be my end. Was I about to get fired?

Unexpectedly, she continued, “Where do you work? Won’t it hold you back from your work tomorrow? Does your girlfriend not worry?"

Huh? What's going on? Then it occurred to me, she did not recognize me, that's why she was asking like this. All my worries were for nothing.

It made sense after all. Among hundreds of employees in the company, how would she remember a quiet, unnoticed little worker like me?

At that moment, I breathed a sigh of relief, quickly saying I'm still single and don't have a girlfriend, then randomly mentioning a non-existent company.

She smiled charmingly and put down the hairdryer and said, "Wait a moment, I'll get the payment for your driving." She then walked into the room with a twist of her hips.

After a while, she came back and surprisingly handed me five hundred yuan. I couldn't earn this much working a whole night as a designated driver. Money indeed gave her the power to do as she pleased.

I hesitated to accept the money, but she said, "Just take it. Consider it compensation."

I had no choice but to take it, about to leave when she asked, "What's your WeChat ID? Let me add you."

I was dumbfounded. What was happening? Our normally aloof and cold boss was suddenly so warm?

Sensing my bewilderment, she cast a seductive smile, "I think you're pretty decent. You helped me out today. If I need a driver in the future, I'll contact you on WeChat."

I felt quite honored at that time, promptly exchanged WeChat contacts with her, and not daring to stay too long, quickly left after telling her to rest early.

She leaned on the door frame, waved goodbye to me with a flirtatious smile, looking extremely enticing.

By the time I got back to my rented apartment, it was already beyond midnight. Yet when I thought about the events of the night, I still couldn't sleep. The thought of the enchanting shop owner Fang Fang and her attractive smile kept on popping up in my mind.

Unable to fall asleep, I began browsing her WeChat, and even clicked to view her photos. I found a single close-up shot of her face, nibbling slightly on a rosy-red tongue, which was truly inviting and made me want to plant a kiss on her.

Compelled by strange instincts, my hand trembled and sent her a kissing emoji. I instantly realized it was a mistake - feared it would ruin the good impression I had finally managed to leave on her. I began to worry about how she would perceive me now. Would she think me a creep and simply block me?

Unexpectedly, she replied with a shy emoji after a few minutes, and even sent over a voice message.

With slightly trembling fingers, I clicked on play. She said, "You're still up this late? What are you up to? Still out working as a designated driver?"

Her voice was truly melodious. The message had me virtually entranced. Since she was reaching out, what did I have to fear? I immediately replied saying that I couldn't sleep and had been checking out her photo. Stating how beautiful she was and how she was the most beautiful female customer I had ever encountered.

After sending my message, I anxiously waited for her response. She promptly sent another voice message, questioning, "Really? What's so good about a single close-up shot?"

Hearing her respond this way, I grew bolder and texted back, saying there were no other photos to look at.

Her voice came through, saying, "What kind of photo of me do you wish to see?"

After thinking for a while, I sent a slightly excited reply - "Doesn't matter. You're so beautiful, every photo of you will look good."

She didn't respond after that. I waited for several minutes to no avail. Could it be she found chatting with me tiresome? Probably looking down upon me as a simple designated driver, right? After all, why would someone like her - a female boss - ever regard someone like me?

Just as I started spacing out while looking at her avatar, she unexpectedly sent me a photo.

I regretted not saving it, so I texted back saying, "I didn't get a clear look, but you sure are beautiful."

She sends a voice message, laughing lightly, "I didn't expect you to have such a sweet tongue. Am I pretty or is your girlfriend pretty?"

Damn, what does this mean? I quickly replied, "I don't have a girlfriend, but even if I did, of course, you'd be prettier."

She sent back another voice message, saying "Are all you men such sweet talkers? I thought you were honest."

I was getting bolder. I texted back, "Aren't I honest? You were drunk and fell into my arms earlier, I didn't do or see anything."

She laughed in her voice message, seductively asking, "What did you want to see or do? Are all you men so lustful?"

Seeing how open she was, I became more audacious. I responded, "Of course I want to do 'that'."

She sent a shy emoji, and then a voice message asking, "Tell me the truth then, when I was showering earlier, did you think about coming in and doing 'that' with me?"

Damn, I had to listen to her voice several times before confirming that I hadn't heard wrong. I became excited upon hearing that, a tingling sensation filled my heart.

I never would have expected the normally cold and serious Boss Fangfang to be such a passionate woman in private.

I was also getting carried away and plucked up the courage to say, "Yeah, you're so sexy and charming. Of course, I thought about it, but I didn't dare. A woman like you wouldn't have that sort of relationship with a man like me, right?"

She giggled again and said, "You are so timid. If you really want it, then come and get it."

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